ABOUT THE WORK Joni's work is an exploration of every day - a celebration of the ordinary. She focuses on the beauty that surrounds us, but that many are too busy to pay attention to - a pepper, a friend's face, tea cups. She eats and breathes color. Joni aims to make art every day - whether working on a print, painting, or filling a page in her sketch book. She records, explores, and challenges. She is captivated by text and writing, by calligraphy and runes, by the letters scrawled by children. She has bins of paper scraps, paint chips, string, buttons, and 136 paint brushes. Joni draws inspiration from the Siamese twin yellow squash from her garden or the double yolked egg that surprises her in the morning. Most anything can inspire her and get incorporated into her works. Joni is primarily a printmaker, but she draws, paints and makes a mess every day. |